- We are moving the start date to March 1st and weigh in's will be on Thursday's instead of Sunday's. This way everyone can enjoy the week-end and have to recover from said enjoyment :) We will end the challenge on September 1st.
- Sign-ups are currently going on. It is $10 for readers and $50 for authors (all the money goes towards the grand prize). All payments need to made via paypal. Select email and use the romancebiggestwnners2@gmail.com We have several new authors and readers this go around.
- All payments need to be made by Feb 20th.
- All groups will have a cheerleader, fitness buddy and trainer
- We are working on getting some sponorships from different companies
- We are working on a RBW trip for all the past members, and current members to show off their new bodies in 2013.
- As soon as we have the button up we will emailing it to everyone so they can put it on their websites (if they have them)
- The FB page is up, here's the link
- If you are interested in joining us for RBW 2 please send an email to romancebiggestwinners2@gmail.com
- Don't forget to make your overall Fitness Goal
Heather and Helen
For the poll, I know as a teacher, our spring break is. Usually in March... Easiest vacay time for me :) and what a COOL idea/ incentive!